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Tru Eastman- 
Hair Stylist ~
Intuitive SoulCoach~

Mystic~ and Teacher

Tru Eastman is the owner of Vanity Hair Salon and Extensions
Known for being Utah's Best Hair Extensions!
Experts in ALL methods of
Hair Extensions as well as Coloring -Cutting & Styling~

I love the transformation
and magick of life..

Tru is an Intuitive Soul Coach for Women, specializing in Shadow Healing and Empowerment~
She has put more than 30 years of mystical study
into a program she created and calls
 Wisdom of the Mystic~ A Course in Practical Magick
TruEastman | Hair Extensions | United States

"YOU are the Beauty and Magick -
Express it and Share it with the World!"

What People Say...

1 would describe Tru as a confident person who is not scared to try something different, personally or professionally. Tru is a positive person and she radiates with positivity. It is contagious to the people she surrounds herself with. She has a calm demeanor and doesn’t panic in high stress situations.  I feel like she is consistently working to better herself on a level that most people aren’t willing to even delve into.

I feel that Tru is a true friend. She is always there for me, even if we haven’t spoken in a while. She is also a very caring mom, sister, aunt and daughter, which I have felt honored as a friend to see what a great person she is in all of these roles. I feel that Tru is nonjudgmental and a great listener. These are just a few…

I Love you and am thankful to have you as a friend.

XOXO Theresa

I have known Tru Eastman for many, many years. I have found her to be very honest, forward, an above average woman. Her influence in my life has been something I would not change for the world! Her wisdom, her talent, her inner and outer beauty is extraordinary. I would recommend her for her teaching experience, her talent in doing hair and her knowledge of business to anyone! She has truly blessed my life.

Jo Bensen

Tru is one of those intoxicating creatures that always has more on the inside that you simply didn't see until she unfolded before you.  She's deep, personal, joyful, and reflective--always learning, and then sharing her vast knowledge. While she's an icon in the beauty industry, she defines herself as a goddess: mom, wife, grandma, businesswoman, and then, oh yeah... beauty icon. It's not only refreshing, I love to be in her presence.  While she works on my hair to create and play with gorgeous waves and color, she plays with gorgeous ripples and vibrations in my soul. I leave a better woman -- a goddess walking out -- than I did walking in.

Love you to pieces!


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